 底漆 PrimerCR90265-1 附着佳,抗油佳 Good adhesion, good wetiing
HP1218 性价比,固化快 Cost-effective, fast curing speed
HP6287 含HDDA,丰满度,流平 With HDDA, Good fullness and leveling
HP6226 纯聚碳,耐热耐水佳 Good heat and water resistance
HP6228 含单体,综合性能佳 Contains monomer, good overall performance
CR90299 含溶剂,耐开稀,盖点佳 Contains solvent, the viscosity hard to thinning, good cover point
HE3215 辅助树脂,柔韧性佳 Auxiliary oligomer, good flexibility
 中漆 Middle coatingHP6200 附着佳,层间附着佳,耐磨耐刮佳,可重涂 Good adhesion, good wear resistance and scratch resistance, good adhesion for rework
CR91580 耐水煮佳,附着力佳,溶色性好,可加深色-Good water resistance,good adhesion,good pigment\dye wetting,and can add dark color
HP8178 加色 ,颜料润湿佳,附着佳,柔韧性佳 Good pigment wetting, good adhesion, good flexibility
 面漆 TopcoatHP6401 综合性能佳,流平佳 Good leveling
CR90563A 综合性能佳,耐化佳,震动耐磨佳 Good chemical resistance, good vibration and wear resistance
HP6600 综合性能佳,高硬度,震动耐磨佳,耐化性好 High hardness, good vibration and wear resistance, good chemical resistance
HP6919 9F PUA,坚韧性佳,相容性佳 Good toughness and compatibility
HP6610 6F PUA,综合性能佳 Fast curing speed,high hardness,good chemical resistance
HP6309 3F PUA,柔韧性极佳 Excellent flexibility
CR90671 2F PUA,镜面流平,不咬银 Excellent leveling,no biting silver
HT7400 高固低粘,镜面流平 Low viscosity,excellent leveling
HC5351 促进面漆附着力 Improve adhesion

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